Who We Are

What is our belief about education?

At ETE, we firmly believe that education is meant to give freedom. This means encouraging creativity, curiosity, and hands-on experiences. We believe that children learn best through play, trial/error, and the gaining of understanding (as well as confidence) through accomplishing tasks. We believe that education should rarely, if ever, be rigid. What good is it if you fill the mind with all the information in the world but lose the heart of the child? 

Why is education important?

True education is the key to unlocking the world- and opportunities. It empowers individuals to think critically, solve problems, and make informed decisions. It provides the foundation for personal growth, career success, and community progress.

How do we approach education?

At ETE, we believe in a holistic approach to education. We understand that each child is unique and has their own learning style. We strive, personally and professionally, to create an environment that fosters curiosity & creativity. We work to find educational products that can be utilized by children of all different learning styles, backgrounds, and aspirations.

What sets us apart?

Unlike modern education, we believe in hands-on learning experiences. We encourage children to explore, experiment, and discover. Our hope is that they will find passion along the way. Our products are curated to spark their imagination, nurture their natural talents, and spur their interests. We don't see a reason why math and gardening shouldn't both be part of a child's upbringing. Surely both are important. Why shouldn't computer programming and herbal medicine be taught to every child? Would it be so bad for them to be in control of their career and their health? Perhaps we would find ourselves in a different world if children were taught the value of this place in which they live and how it is not in conflict with a good life: but offers it. What sets us apart? We believe little humans, big humans, and every human in between are meant to explore, comprehend, love, and manage the world around them. This doesn't happen from inside a classroom. They have their place, but so much more of life is in the doing, the making mistakes, and the doing over again. Our hope is that we can help you and your littles do just that. 

Education as a journey

We see education as a lifelong journey. It is not just about acquiring knowledge but also about developing essential skills so that the knowledge they obtain can be applied. Only knowledge that is applied counts. That which is not utilized benefits no one. All our products aim to not only teach kids but to help them build actual skills that they can use for the rest of their life to build, dismantle, explore, question, and manage the world around them.

Join us on this educational adventure!

If you share our values and believe in the power of education to transform lives, we invite you to join us on this exciting educational adventure. Together, let's empower the next generation to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

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